Academic Support
Tufts provides a variety of resources to support students who need help with academic challenges. If you feel that you need additional academic support, the first step is to talk to an academic advising dean or your academic advisor (click on the links below). In addition, there are a number of offices and centers that provide additional academic support to students at different campuses.
School Academic Advisors
- Undergraduate Arts & Sciences students
- Undergraduate Engineering students
- Undergraduate and graduate students at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts
- Graduate students are encouraged to speak with their department chair, faculty advisor, or director of graduate studies for information about additional academic support
Academic Support Centers
- The StAAR Center provides support to undergraduate and graduate students in Arts & Sciences, Engineering, SMFA, and Fletcher who need assistance in writing and other subject matters; ARC also helps students with study skills, time management, communication, and other skills needed to succeed at Tufts. It also assists studentsĀ in obtaining accommodations and resources due to a temporary or permanent disability
Boston Health Sciences Campus Academic Support
- Students at the Boston Health Sciences campus can make appointments with writing consultants for assistance with writing
- The Tufts School of Medicine Office of Student Affairs provides a variety of workshops and tutoring services for health sciences students
Tufts Libraries
Tufts has several different libraries that provide workshops and one-on-one assistance to help students with research projects, enhancing data skills (including statistics workshops), and a variety of other academic areas.
Financial Resources to Support Academic Research
- Consult Global Tufts for a directory of financial resources that support research and study related to global topics